Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Invention of Scott Pilgrim

Well, it's been awhile since I got to another movie...maybe because I had such a hard time trying to track down the movie that I actually wanted to see...this blog is going out to Scott Pilgrim.....and the world.

I remember seeing this preview during Toy Story 3 and I gotta say, I had no idea why they put it in the batch of previews of Toy Story, but I was glad that they did. The preview had me intrigued. First of all, it looked like it was based of a video game, so of course it had me curious about it. THEN I found out that Edgar Wright directed the movie (who also directed Shaun of the Dead, which is probably my favorite movie, and Hot Fuzz). So of course I had to give it a try. Sadly, the really nice theater by my apartment didn't have it opening day...or the week after that, or the week after that. So I had to venture on my bike over to Jersey City Mall and catch it, and I'm glad I did. I instantly got a smile on my face from the very first scene...not even the opening credits, I'm talking about when Universal's intro came on the screen. The Scott Pilgrim camp did their homework when it came to piling on the video game references. This was just an all around fun movie. The jokes were pulled off really well, the fight scenes were pretty epic, and whether you like Michael Cera or not, it was kind of refreshing to see him kick a little ass. I dunno what it is with Hollywood and Michael Cera...every time a movie needs some awkward kid, they immediately go to Michael Cera. Regardless, Michael Cera wasn't really a little bitch in this movie. I have no idea if the movie could be seen in 3D, but while I was watching the movie, I thought about how cool it could have been if the movie was presented in 3D, but at the same time, I think it might have taken away from the movie's effects (is that possible?) I think so. Because I've never played a video game in 3D. So I was kind of torn between it being in 3D or not. I don't really like giving too much shit away in these little blog 'reviews', but let me say, I never knew the graphic novel existed, but after seeing the movie, I'm interested in it now. But I digress, without giving too much away, if you are a nerd at heart, enjoy video games, comic books, or just those underdog love stories, you should give Scott Pilgrim a chance...I mean, he fights seven evil ex's for YOUR entertainment...and the girl of his dreams.

So let's move onto the latest Netflix review. I got The Invention of Lying a couple of weeks ago. My good ol' roommate Sawka found the movie On Demand and me being the idiot that I am, didn't cancel it on my Netflix and just watch it On Demand...but then I guess I would have to do an On Demand section of the blog reviews too? No, fuck that. Anyways, The Invention of Lying is pretty damn funny. There are a bunch of little cameos, which ended up being surprising to me in the end. I mean, it's no Tom Cruises and Angelina Jolies or anything...but by the middle of it, there were a lot of recognizable faces all telling the truth, and being funny about it...like Louis C.K. Pretty much what the movie is about, is no one knows how to lie. It just hasn't been invented yet. But the movie is set in the present which makes it a little more interesting. The dialogue between characters ends up being hilarious because people HAVE to say whatever they are thinking...they can't lie. Wow, if only, huh?? Imagine that. People would know EXACTLY what you were thinking about them and in a way, it would end up being better...and sometimes worse. But anyways, the movie is definitely worth a rent on Netflix.

Well, I think that's about it. I'm thinking about actually seeing Pirana 3D, aka, Snakes on a Plane 2...but with fishes.....and water...pretty much, another bad movie that is so bad, it's kinda good...and funny. I WILL say, my current video here from Netflix is Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. I started it 4 days ago, and still haven't finished it. I think it's safe to say you already know what I'm going to say about that movie.

Anyways, until next time Adamaniacs!